To maximize our customers’ efficiency, by delivering and servicing the right technology for their specific local circumstances.
We distinguish ourselves by a high knowledge and service level, combined with a solution-oriented integral approach.
To be the leading supplier of turn-key & full-liner solutions for professionals in the grain, potatoes, vegetables, and irrigation business worldwide, thanks to our integral, efficient, and innovative solutions.
Growing up on farms gave our team a very short link with Mother Nature, so we realize that the increasing demand for food in the world can only be met with sustainable production. We incorporate best thinking, best practice, and best technology in our activities to support sustainable agriculture.
A good example is our cooperation with T-L irrigation systems. Compared to commonly used flood irrigation systems, we tremendously reduce on-farm water use with T-L. By facilitating farms with modern machines and energy-efficient installations, APH Group responds to the substantial growth of the increasing global demand for food.
Decisions are made across the whole company to make the world a better place. With small things like reducing the use of paper in the offices, recycling the waste as well as heating our headquarters with geothermal energy, we help to reduce the carbon footprint.
APH Group suppliers are producing in the European Union and the United States. They act according to the applicable rules on the environment and labour circumstances. This guarantees that our products are produced without the help of child labour.
Our farmer background helps us to do the true test: would I buy this APH Group product if I was the farmer or processor? If the answer is no, the product is not suitable for us. We believe in our products.
We are driven by a competitive market spirit, though our solutions must bring profit to both our company and our customer. Our success depends on a thorough understanding of the customer. We go the extra mile to show we care.
We tell the whole story, not just what is convenient for our individual or company goals. Towards our stakeholders, we are clear, honest, and accurate.
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